Global Social Impact Investments has specific procedures that regulate the presentation of any internal or external complaint of conduct considered unlawful, as well as the process for the management of such complaints by the company until their final resolution. These procedures are, respectively

  • The whistleblowing channel protocol.
  • The response protocol.

The Whistleblowing Channel is the instrument through which the company receives and manages the information provided by the members of the organisation (or third parties) on conduct contrary to:

  • The Criminal Code.
  • The Internal Code of Conduct.
  • The Manual for the Prevention of Money
  • Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.
  • The rest of the company’s internal rules.

The channels implemented in the organisation for the communication and reception of possible complaints are known throughout the organisation, and are the following three:

  • E-mail. The address is:
  • Postal mail. Communications should be addressed to: Cobas Asset Management SGIIC, S.A.
  • Complaints Channel. Paseo de la Castellana 53, 2nd floor. 28046 Madrid.
  • Physical mailbox installed for this purpose at Paseo de la Castellana 53, 2nd floor. 28046 Madrid.

The company provides for the management of any anonymous complaint and guarantees at all times the confidentiality, protection of the complainant and the rights of the person or persons reported.

About Global Social Impact Investments

Global Social Impact Investments SGIIC SAU is an impact investment funds manager that allows investors to achieve positive social and environmental impact together with financial returns. 

GSI is part of Santa Comba Gestión SL, a family holding that brings together projects promoting freedom through knowledge.

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